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Verb: To arrive somewhere

-- We won't reach Miami till five or six o'clock.

Verb: If something reaches, or reaches something, it is long enough to touch something.

-- The rope won't be long enough to reach the ground.

Verb: To stretch your arm and hand to touch or take something

-- Our little girl isn't tall enough to reach the light switches.

Verb: To get to a particular level, situation, etc

-- We hope to reach our goal by May next year.

Verb: To speak to someone on the telephone

-- You can reach him at home.


Ulaşmak, varmak, erişmek

Uzanmak, uzatmak, erişmek, yetişmek

Uzanmak, uzatmak, erişmeye/almaya çalışmak

Belli bir seviyeye/duruma ulaşmak/erişmek

Telefonla ulaşmak/konuşmak